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Lessons learnt | News & Blogs | Issured

Lessons Learnt: Part 1

Now we are finally through what seemed to be the longest January of all time(!), we, as a team, have taken some time to reflect on what we have learned during the previous lockdowns and the things we will continue to do moving forwards.

We will be sharing our thoughts here so keep an eye out – we would love to hear what you have learned and/or anything you have decided not to do (or do differently) during Lockdown 3.0!

What I learnt in 2020 –

“We are tougher than we think! Everyone had a difficult year, for a variety of reasons. I really learnt that being in the same storm doesn’t mean you are in the same boat, and that trying to understand everyone is dealing with the same thing in a different way can really make a difference. Everyone had things going on, on top of COVID, and I really think people realised that (as hard as it has all been and continues to be) we are made of tough stuff…but still really do need each other for that vital bit of support and kindness. A little goes a long way” ❤️

Implementing Lessons Learned – “It’s the little things…! I am going to work really hard to focus on the small wins and little things that make me smile, and just roll with it. I am a complete control freak, but really (really) trying to remind myself that there are so many things we just can’t control; I need to accept that and not give myself a hard time if things don’t go how I thought they would. I will be grateful for health, happiness, friends, family…and will keep exercising to keep the endorphins going!” ?

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